How to Soothe Sore, Cracked Nipples according to Top Dermatologist

Sore or cracked nipples? If you’re breastfeeding or expressing your milk, you may get sore or cracked nipples at one point or another. Although babies are only small, they can sometimes cause some nipple pain with their constant feeding demands.Tips on soothing sore nipples:
Tips on Soothing Sore Nipples:
Whether you’ve got cracked, sore or tender nipples, thankfully there are some things you can try to relieve the symptoms. We spoke to leading dermatologist Dr. Lian Mack to find out more about caring for this delicate area.
'Remember, no stressing it mama: Breastfeeding is a learning process for both you and your baby'
Delicate Touch:
The skin on our nipples is unique, as Dr. Lian Mack explains, “The skin on the breast and nipple area is delicate and can be easily injured. Areolar skin contains small glands called tubercles of Montgomery that secrete fluid to protect the skin and send a scent signaling the baby to latch on.
Because of the delicate nature of the tissue this area should be treated with the utmost care.” That means taking measures to reduce stress to your skin – which is not always easy when you have a hungry mouth to feed.
Latching: A Possible Cause For Sore Nipples:
For many new moms, it can take some time for our bodies to get used to the on and off-latching of a feeding baby. However, whether you’re new to breastfeeding or not, it shouldn’t hurt so it’s always worth investigating whether your sore nipples are caused by something else.
Dr. Lian Mack suggests checking your baby’s latch with your midwife as sometimes nipple pain can be attributed to a tongue-tie or other abnormalities. She says: “Make sure your baby latches to the breast correctly. I sought the help of a lactation consultant when I was learning to breastfeed.”
Learn As You Go:
Breastfeeding is absolutely a learning process for both you and your baby, so don’t get disheartened if it takes a little while to get to grips with. Julia is mom to six-month old Nellie, she says that when she was first breastfeeding her nipples became unbearably sore.
“The only relief was putting cold cabbage leaves in my bra. Even taking a warm shower was very uncomfortable – it took a while to figure out what I could tolerate and I eventually learnt my Nellie’s latch was being affected by a tongue tie.”
If you’re ever concerned, it’s always best to ask a midwife, health visitor or doctor for help.
Preventing Sore Nipples: Protect Your Skin
What if you could help to stop sore or cracked nipples from starting to begin with? Prevention is better than a cure and most breastfeeding or expressing moms will benefit from using a safe product that supports the skin in this sensitive area. As a new mom herself, Dr. Lian Mack says, “I use Mum & You’s Hands Off Nipple Saviour Spray.
Image credit: Jami Garcia (@mrsjamigarcia)
This product is a game-changer since I am constantly breastfeeding. This no-touch solution has helped heal and restore my sensitive, and sometimes overworked nipples.” Formulated with natural ingredients, such as aloe vera and wheatgerm oil, this amazing nipple spray helps to repair and heal sore skin.Cool Down:
If your sore nipples feel as though they’re on fire, the discomfort can be calmed by using cold compresses. Kristen, mum of three-month-old Anouk says, “I keep hydrogel pads in the fridge and use them after breastfeeding – the coolness is lovely and soothing.”
Another way to give your nipples a break is to simply expose them to the air. Leila says,“When I’m breastfeeding my son Jude at home I tend to leave my bra off completely for a little while after a feed. It feels great not to have any pressure or fabric on the area.”
Tough Mamas:
It’s a common experience to come up against challenges with breastfeeding as mum of one, Shannon, can attest to. “Breastfeeding my daughter was something I was intent on doing but I found it very difficult with such sore nipples.
The thought of not being able to breastfeed made me feel quite low.” Because breastfeeding is such an intimate and personal interaction, when problems do arise, it can feel overwhelming.
Something like nipple pain can have a massive impact on your physical and emotional wellbeing; – after all – being a mom is hard enough already!
Soothing Sore & Cracked Nipples:
At Mum & You all our products are designed for and tested by mums because we understand the pressures and joys that motherhood brings. We are always looking to find solutions to make moms lives easier and happier – because we firmly believe that happier moms make for happier babies.
As Shannon says, “I love the idea of Mum & You’s Hands Off nipple spray because honestly, the thought of anything touching my sore nipples, other than my baby, is not ideal – a cooling and calming spray however – bring on the relief!”
Get your hands on our Hands Off Nipple Spray and for more info on this powerful product, check out it's feature in Woman's Health Magazine!
Then, go ahead shop our full range of natural skincare made by moms, for moms at Mum & You today!
Image credit: Jade Otis (@wherewilf_and_dorothywander)
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